so jezzzzzus what a crazy month may was, to start off it was great!
two great artist comented on my content! hd revill and sabtastic sabtastics comment here and hd revills comment here
also the 24 frames collab came out!you can see it on my profile.
i am the one makeing the first animation for the 1up collab and it is done all i need are the music for a montage in it.
i am also now going to make a sequel to top notch voice actor! i already have the audio so i will get crackin on that and should be out soon
i broke 10 fans!!!!! this may not be a million, or a hundred thousand or a thousand or evan a hundred, but i did not realy think i would evan break 5 fans so thats awsome
i also got scouted. thanks a bunch to bobie11
tomarow is my last day of school! with all the free time i will have i will make as much animations as i can
well thats all and to others this may not seem all that much of a eventful month but to me it is much more then that, especially sabtastic and hd revill comenting on my content. seriously that means so much to me and made not only my day but this whole month. here is a screenshot of my 1up collab animation
*edit* school is out! by the end of the summer i predict that i will have over 40 pimples and my drawing skills will improve by more then double